
Musa balbisiana

Musa balbisiana at a glance









Musa balbisiana

ITC code

Musa balbisiana Colla1 is a wild species of bananas. It is at the origin of many edible bananas through its hybridization with Musa acuminata and is associated with tolerance to abiotic stresses.

Colla partly based his description on a drawing in Rumphius' Herbarium Amboinense, a catalogue of the plants of the island of Amboina (Ambon Island in modern-day Indonesia), published posthumously in 17412 .

A draft genome sequence was produced by Belgian and Malaysian scientists using the Pisang Klutuk Wulung genebank accession3 . A reference sequence is being produced by a French-Chinese team4 .

Main characteristics

Host reaction to pests and diseases

Musa balbisiana accessions displayed resistance to Xanthomonas wilt in a greenhouse trial5 . In later screenhouse and field trials, Musa balbisiana plants were symptom-free 6 weeks after a single inoculation at dosages that caused disease on the Pisang Awak controls6 . Disease symptoms were observed six weeks after a second inoculation, but only at the highest dosages.


1 Colla L. A. 1820. Musa balbisiana, page 384 in Memoria sul genere Musae monographia del medesimo. Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 25:333-402.
2 Plate 139 in G. E. Rumphius. 1741. Herbarium Amboinense, Vol. 5. Amstelaedami : Apud Fransicum Changuion, Hermannum Uytwerf.
3 Davey, M.W., Gudimella, R., Harikrishna, J.A., Sin, L.W., Khalid, N. and Keulemans, J. 2013. A draft Musa balbisiana genome sequence for molecular genetics in polyploid, inter- and intra-specific Musa hybrids. BMC Genomics 14(1):683.
4 A tale of two banana sequences on the ProMusa blog
5 Tripathi, L., Odipio, J., Tripathi, J.N. and Tusiime, G. 2008. A rapid technique for screening banana cultivars for resistance to Xanthomonas wilt. European Journal of Plant Pathology 121(1):9-19.
6 Kumakech, A., Kiggundu, A. and Okori, P. 2013. Reaction of Musa balbisiana to Banana bacterial wilt infection. African Crop Science Journal 21(4):337-346.

Musapedia page on Pisang Klutuk Wulung

Musapedia pages on wild species: