
Pest risk analyses on pests and pathogens of banana

A pest risk analysis (PRA) is defined in article 2 of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) as "the process of evaluating biological or other scientific and economic evidence to determine whether a pest should be regulated and the strength of any phytosanitary measures to be taken against it"1 . A PRA provides the rationale for phytosanitary measures for a specified PRA area. It evaluates scientific evidence to determine whether an organism is a pest. If it is, the analysis evaluates the probability of introduction and spread of the pest and the magnitude of potential economic consequences in a defined area, using biological or other scientific and economic evidence.

The responsibility for conducting pest risk analysis sits within government, specifically within a country’s National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) and comes as an obligation when countries become contracting parties to the IPPC.

IPPC standards for PRAs

IPPC standards, referred to as International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM), have been developed to assist NPPOs2 . Below are the standards for PRAs.

  • The Framework for pest risk analysis (ISPM 02) provides a framework that describes the PRA process within the scope of the IPPC. It introduces the three stages of pest risk analysis — initiation, pest risk assessment and pest risk management3 .
  • Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests (ISPM 11) provides details for the conduct of a PRA to determine if pests are quarantine pests4 .
  • The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management (ISPM 14) provides guidelines for the development and evaluation of integrated measures in a systems approach as an option for pest risk management under the relevant international standards for pest risk analyses designed to meet phytosanitary import requirements for plants, plant products and other regulated articles5 .
  • Pest risk analysis for regulated non-quarantine pests (ISPM 21) provides guidelines for conducting pest risk analysis for regulated non-quarantine pests. It describes the integrated processes to be used for risk assessment and the selection of risk management options to achieve a pest tolerance level6 .

PRAs on diseases of banana

List of pathogens and their disease for which a PRA has been developed and the region covered by the PRA.

PRAs on pests of banana

List of pests for which a PRA has been developed and the region covered by the PRA.


1 Text of the International Plant Protection Convention (1997), produced by the secretariat of the IPPC and published by the FAO (2011).
3 ISPM 02 - Framework for pest risk analysis En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
4 ISPM 11 - Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
5 ISPM 14 - The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
6 ISPM 21 - Pest risk analysis for regulated non quarantine pests En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh

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