'Pelipita' is a cooking banana from the Philippines 1 . It was introduced into Latin America, where it has gained popularity for its resistance to pests and diseases.
Local names
'Pelipita' is also known as 'Pelipia', 'Pinipita' and 'Profeta' 1 .
Morphological characteristics
'Pelipita' has a tall plant stature (3.5-3.6 m high)1 .
Valmayor, R.V., Espino, R.R.C. and Pascua, O.C. 2002. The Wild and Cultivated Bananas of the Philippines. PARRFI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 242p.
See also on this website
Articles on 'Pelipita' in Musalit
Local names for 'Pelipita' in the cultivar checklist
Musapedia pages on cultivars: